Facilities Header - Parking Lot


Facilities Notice: Carpet Replacement in Lobby of Panther Dining Hall Monday, 12/30/24-Tuesday, 12/31/24

Beginning Monday, 12/30/24, through Tuesday, 12/31/24, Facilities Operations will be replacing the carpet in the lobby of the Panther Dining Hall. Occupants of the building may hear intermittent loud noises. The lobby and entrances to will be blocked off during the replacement. All other entrances will remain open during construction.

Facilities Notice: Concrete Work On Main Entrance of Charles and Ruth Clemente Center Thursday, 12/26/24-Friday, 12/27/24

Beginning Thursday, 12/26/24, through Friday, 12/27/24, Facilities Operations will be performing concrete repairs located at the main entrance of the Charles and Ruth Clemente Center. Occupants of the building may hear intermittent loud noises. The sidewalk in front of the entrance may have sections temporarily blocked off.

Facilities Notice: Main Door Repair at Center for Aeronautics & Innovation Thursday, 12/26/24- Friday, 12/27/24

Beginning Thursday, 12/26/24, through Friday, 12/27/24 Facilities Operations will be repairing the main doors at the Center for Aeronautics & Innovation. The building will remain closed until repairs are complete.

Facilities Notice: Construction Work in room 204 of Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Beginning Monday, 12/16/24

Beginning Monday, 12/16/24, Facilities Operations will be renovating room 204 of Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences. The work will last from 8-10 weeks. Occupants of the building may hear intermittent loud noises. The areas around room 204 will remain open during construction. 

Facilities Notice: Concrete Work On South Entrance of F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Thursday, 12/26/24-Friday, 12/27/24

Beginning Thursday, 12/26/24, through Friday, 12/27/24, Facilities Operations will be performing concrete repairs located at the South entrance of the F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Building. Occupants of the building may hear intermittent loud noises. The sidewalk in front of the entrance may have sections temporarily blocked off. All other entrances will remain open during construction.

Facilities Notice: Testing of Fire Alarm Sprinklers Across Campus Monday, 12/16/24-Wednesday, 12/18/24

Beginning Monday, 12/16/24 through Wednesday, 12/18/24, Facilities Operations will be conducting the semi-annual fire sprinkler inspections. During this period, building occupants will hear the fire alarm sound and the strobes will go off.

Monday, 12/16/24

Columbia Village Residential Buildings
Fredrick C. Crawford Building
Homer R. Denius Student Center
Evans Residence Hall
Gleason Performing Arts Cetner
Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building
Ruth Funk Center
Edwin A. Link Building
Evans Library
Roberts Residence Hall
Shephard Building

Tuesday, 12/17/24

Anthony J. Catanese Varsity Training Center
L3Harris Center for Science & Engineering
L3Harris Commons Building
Panther Dining Hall
South Campus Parking Structure
Charles & Ruth Clemente Center
F. W. Olin Engineering Complex
F.W. Olin Life Sciences
Scott Center for Autism Treatment & Research
F.W. Olin Physical Sciences
L3Harris Village Residential Buildings

Wednesday, 12/18/24

Center for Advanced Manufacturing & Innovative Design (CAMID) 
Panther Bay Apartments 
River's Edge Buildings
Center for Aeronautics & Innovation
Southgate Residential Buildings


Facilties Notice: Replacing Fire Alarm System at Scott Center for Autism Treatment and Research beginning Monday, 12/16/24

Beginning 5:00pm on Monday 12/16/24 contractors will begin work on the Scott Center fire alarm and continue to work after 5:00pm until the 22nd. From 12/23-1/2 they will begin working during normal business hourse as the building is empty. This work will take about 2 weeks to complete. Security will be present with the contractors. 


Facilties Notice: Brick Work in Front of Keuper Admin Building 12/16/24-12/20/24

Beginning Monday, 12/16/24, through Friday, 12/20/24, Facilities Operations will be performing brick repairs located at the main entrance of the Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building. Occupants of the building may hear intermittent loud noises. The sidewalk in front of the building may have sections temporarily blocked off. All entrances will remain open during construction.

Facilties Notice: North Chiller Loop HVAC

The HVAC system serving the buildings noted below experienced an equipment failure this week. Facilities Operations is diligently working to return the systems to normal operating conditions. Occupants will feel warmer temperatures.  Facilities Operations will update the campus when repairs have been completed

  • Frederick C. Crawford Building
  • George M. Skurla Hall
  • Gleason Performing Arts Center
  • Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building
  • Homer R. Denius Student Center
  • Evans Library
  • Ruth Funk Center
  • Edwin A. Link Building
  • Charles and Ruth Clemente Center
  • Panther Dining Hall
  • Panther Aquatics Center

Facilties Notice: Planned FPL Annual Load Test / Power Outage - Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Florida Power & Light (FPL) has scheduled testing of the main electrical switch for Wednesday, August 7, 2024.  Power will be disrupted for 1-hour from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Please take necessary precautions to protect your computers and sensitive data.

A list of all buildings impacted by this planned outage are as follows:

114SHA       Shaw Hall

115GRS       Grissom Hall

116CBL        Campbell Hall

117WOD      Wood Hall

118RBT        Roberts Hall

119EVH       Evans Hall

213BRN       Brownlie Hall

401QAD      John E. Miller Building

402QAD      Building 402

403QAD      Building 403

404QAD      Building 404

405QAD      Building 405

406QAD      Building 406

407QAD      Building 407

408WRK      R.A. Work Building

409TEL        Telecommunications

410GLE       Gleason Center for Performing Arts

411KUP       Keuper Administration

412DEN      Denius Student Union Building

420CRF       Crawford Building

424LNK       Link Building

427FRU       Frueauff Building

428EVL        Evans Library

439SHP       Shephard Building

460SKU       George M. Skurla Building

500OLS        F.W. Olin Life Sciences

501OEC       F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

502OPS       F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

510CLE        Clemente Sports & Recreation Center


Facilties Notice: Campus Wide Pressure Washing

Beginning tomorrow, 7/30, pressure washing will be started on multiple buildings and sidewalks/walkways around campus. Please note that as the pressure washing is being done some entrances may be blocked off while they work on it but a different entrance to the building will be available. Also during this time some water may seep in through doors and windows. Please see the maps below for dates and areas being affected.


Tuesday, 7/30, & Wednesday, 7/31, Crawford Greens

Thursday, 8/1, Homer R. Denius Student Center and Panther Plaza

Friday, 8/2, Panther Dining Hall, Panther Aquatics Center and Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

Saturday, 8/3, L3Harris Commons



Facilties Notice: R.A. Work Administrative building service road blocked off Wednesday, 7/31/24


A crane will be on campus blocking the service road in front of the R. A. Work Administrative building Wednesday, 7/31, from 8:00am-10:00am. During this time the road will be closed to all through traffic.


Olin Quad HVAC Equipment Failure:

The HVAC system serving the Olin Quad buildings noted below experienced an equipment failure during the weekend. Facilities Operations is diligently working to return the systems to normal operating conditions. Occupants will feel warmer temperatures. Facilities Operations will update the campus as details about a repair timeline are determined.


500OLS - F.W. Olin Life Sciences


501OEC - F.W. Olin Engineering Complex


502OPS - F.W. Olin Physical Sciences


504LSA - L3Harris Center for Science and Engineering


505HSR - Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences


Edgewood House Roof Replacement:

Beginning Monday, 6/24/24 through Thursday, 6/27/24, Facilities Operations will be replacing the roof at the Edgewood House (2415 South Country Club Rd). Please use caution when visiting this location.


Building Sprinkler Notice: 

Beginning Monday, 6/10/2024, Facilities Operations will be conducting the annual fire sprinkler inspections. This inspection will include all fire pumps, hydrants, and fire line backflow preventers.  Anticipated completion is on Wednesday, 6/19/2024.  All buildings on the Main Campus will be inspected Monday through Friday and Off-Campus locations will be visited on the following week, Monday through Wednesday.



Columbia Village Buildings

Homer R. Denius Student Center

Evans Residence Hall

Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building

Ruth Funk Center

Evans Library

Roberts Residence Hall

Shephard Building



Frederick C. Crawford Building

Gleason Performing Arts Center

Edwin A. Link Building

Anthony J. Catanese Varsity Training Center

L3Harris Center for Science and Engineering

Panther Dining Hall

Charles and Ruth Clemente Center

F. W. Olin Engineering Complex

F.W. Olin Life Sciences

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

L3Harris Village Buildings

Scott Center for Autism Treatment and Research

 Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences



South Campus Parking Structure

L3Harris Commons

Panther Bay Apartments

The Emil Buehler Center for Avation Training

The Emil Buehler Center Hangar

Southgate Apartments

Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Innovative Design (CAMID)

River's Edge Buildings

North Chiller Loop HVAC  Notice: 

The HVAC system serving buildings noted below experienced an equipment failure this week. Facilities Operations is diligently working to return the systems to normal operating conditions. Occupants will feel warmer temperatures. Repairs are expected to be completed next Wednesday, 6/12/24.  Facilities Operations will update the campus when repairs have been completed


  • Frederick C. Crawford Building
  • George M. Skurla Hall
  • Gleason Performing Arts Center
  • Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building
  • Homer R. Denius Student Center
  • Evans Library
  • Ruth Funk Center
  • Edwin A. Link Building
  • Charles and Ruth Clemente Center
  • Panther Dining Hall
  • Panther Aquatics Center

Elevator Notice: 

Annual testing will be conducted as follows.

  • Elevator inspections and testing are planned to occur during the month of May.
  • Fire alarm system annual testing will be conducted in mid to late May.
  • Fire sprinkler annual inspection will occur in June including testing flows and tampers in all buildings with fire suppression, testing all fire line backflow preventers, and flowing of all fire hydrants will occur.

 Additional details to follow.


Columbia Village Bridge Construction Notice: 

Beginning Monday, 5/13/24, the Columbia Village bridge from the dorms to the parking garage will be closed for repainting. The bridge is expected to be closed for 3 weeks. The parking lot (Lot#6) and sidewalks leading up to the bridge will remain open during this time. Pedestrians should avoid this area and use caution while near this area.


Facilities Notice: Fire Sprinkler Testing Entire Campus - 12/18/23 through 12/20/23

Beginning on Monday, 12/18/2023 thru Wednesday, 12/20/2023, Facilities Operations will be testing the fire sprinkler systems for the campus buildings as noted below. Testing to begin at 8:00 AM and end 4:00 PM. During this time, there will be horn and bell sounds and may include strobe lights.  

Building schedule as noted below:

Monday, 12/18/23

All Columbia Village buildings

Frederick C. Crawford Building

Homer R. Denius Student Center

Evans Residence Hall

Gleason Performing Arts Center

Jerome P. Keuper Administration Building

Ruth Funk Center

Edwin A. Link Building

Evans Library

Roberts Residence Hall

Shephard Building


Tuesday, 12/19/23

Anthony J. Catanese Varsity Training Center

L3Harris Center for Science & Engineering

L3Harris Commons Building

Panther Dining Hall

South Campus Parking Garage

Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

F.W. Olin Life Sciences

The Scott Center for Autism & Treatment

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

All L3Harris Village buildings


Wednesday, 12/20/23


All Panther Bay buildings

All River’s Edge buildings

The Emil Buehler Center for Aviation Training

The Emil Buehler Center Hangar

All Southgate buildings

Mary Star of the Sea Newman Hall


We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Facilities Notice: South Stairs Closed- F.W. Olin Life Sciences, 10/5/23

 Today, 10/05/2023, the south stairs at F.W. Olin Life Sciences will be closed for maintenance. They will reopen tomorrow, 10/06/2023. Please use the center stairs and north stairs. Elevators will be operational.


Facilities Notice: Construction Activity at Southgate and Brownlie Pools from Thursday, 04/06/2023 to Friday, 06/30/2023


On Thursday, 04/06/2023 at 9:00am, Facilities will begin construction work at the Southgate pool area. The area noted below will be closed off during this time and while certain parking spaces have been blocked off, the parking lot will remain open. We apologize in advance for the loud noises.

Pedestrians should avoid this area and use caution while near this area.


On Thursday, 4/13/2023 at 9:00am, Facilities will begin construction work at the Brownlie pool area. The area noted below to include the south entrance will be closed off during this time. The parking lot will not be affected. We apologize in advance for the loud noises.

Pedestrians should avoid this area and use caution while near this area.


Construction for both areas will conclude by Friday, 06/30/2023.

Facilities Notice: Monday 6/12/2023 & Tuesday 6/13/2023 at L3Harris Commons

Monday 6/12/2023 & Tuesday 6/13/2023, Facilities Operations will be performing maintenance on the West side of L3Harris Commons. During this time the West entrance to the building will be closed.  The East entrance will be operating on its normal schedule.


Pedestrians should avoid this area and use caution while near this area.

Facilities Notice: Exterior Work at L3Harris Commons Beginning, Monday, 4/17/2023 to Friday, 5/5/2023

On Monday, 04/17/2023, Facilities Operations contractor will begin waterproofing L3Harris Commons. The process will take 3 weeks, expected completion on Friday 5/5/2023 for all areas. Parking areas will be closed, as noted in the map below, based on the locations and days the parking will be affected. No building entrances will be closed at this time period. Updates will be provide as needed.

Facilities Notice:  Construction Activity Across Campus from Monday, 3/13/23 to Thursday, 3/16/23 from 8:00am-5:00pm

On Monday, 3/13/23 to Thursday, 3/16/23 from 8:00am – 5:00pm, Facilities will be pouring concrete in multiple areas across campus. The areas noted below in orange will be closed off. The building entrances near those areas will remain open during this time.


Areas affected are sidewalks near:


Wood Hall

Grissom Hall

George M. Skurla Hall

Fredrick C. Crawford Building


Facilities Notice:  F.W. Olin Engineering Complex Parking Lot and Entrances, Temporary Closure- Monday, 3/13/22

On Monday, March 13th, from 8:00am-12:00pm there will be a crane on campus to install equipment on the roof of the F.W. Olin Engineering building. During this time, the parking lot and sidewalks, noted below in red, will be blocked for all thru traffic. The parking lot will reopen once the crane is gone. The North and East entrances to the building will also be closed while the work is being performed. The building will remain open during this time.


Facilities Notice:  Homer Denius Student Center Construction Scheduled, 11/19/2022 - 03/01/2023

Beginning Saturday, November 19, 2022, Facilities Operations will begin construction in the Homer Denius Student Center. As noted in the map below, temporary loading area has been identified for use by the contractors. South entrance will remain open. Work is expected to be completed by Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

Facilities Notice: Covered Walking Bridge near Evans Library closed, Tuesday, 01/10/2023 - Wednesday, 01/11/2023

Facilities Operations will be making necessary repairs to the covered bridge near Evans Library Tuesday, January 10th through Wednesday, January 11th. During this time the bridge will be closed to all pedestrian traffic. The nearby bridge adjacent to Shepherd Bldg. is open and should be used as an alternate during this repair.

Facilities Notice: Colder Temperatures in F.W. Olin Engineering & F.W. Olin Life Sciences Due to Emergency Repair, Monday, 01/09/2023- Friday, 01/13/2023

Due to an emergency repair, occupants in the F.W. Olin Engineering & F.W. Olin Life Sciences buildings will notice colder temperature and higher humidity levels to include visible condensation and ceiling tiles damage between Monday, January 9th through Friday, January 13th.

Facilities Notice: Elevator Modification at George M. Skurla Hall Sunday, December 18th- Sunday, January 8th

On Sunday, December 18th , Facilities Operations will have a contractor on site to perform a modification of the elevator at Skurla Hall. Work will continue through Sunday, January 8th. The elevator will be out of service during this time.

Facilities Notice:  Construction Activity near George M. Skurla Beginning Monday, 12/19/2022 to Tuesday, 01/03/2023

Due to construction activity, Facilities contractors will be make repairs to the chilled water lines in the construction zone, as noted below, beginning Monday, 12/19/2022 until Tuesday, 01/03/2023. Air conditioning will be affected in the George M. Skurla Building during this time. The south sidewalk will be closed as noted on the map.

Facilities Notice:  Fredrick C. Crawford parking lot, Temporary Closure- Wednesday, 12/28/22

On Wednesday, December 28th, T-Mobile will be working on the roof of the Fredrick C. Crawford building. Between 5:00am – 5:00pm there will be a crane on site. During this time, the parking lot, noted below, will be blocked for all thru traffic. The road will reopen once the crane has left the site. The South entrance to the building will also be blocked off. The building will remain open during this time.


Facilities Notice:  FPL Transformer Replacement affecting South Campus Buildings, Sunday, 12/18/2022, Beginning at 1:00AM

Due to an emergency replacement of the FPL transformer serving South Campus Sunday, 12/18/2022, beginning at 1:00AM, the power will be disrupted for up to 9 hours.  

 The buildings, noted below, will be affected.

 F.W. Olin Life Sciences

F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

Olin Chiller Building

Charles and Ruth Clemente Center

Facilities Notice:  Sidewalk Closure Near George M. Skurla  Until Further Notice

Due to emergency construction activity, the sidewalk on the east side of George M. Skurla (building 460) will be closed, as noted below, until further notice. Pedestrians avoid area use caution while near this area.



Facilities Notice:  Chawla Hall Irrigation Repairs, beginning today, 11/16/22

Beginning today, November 16, 2022, work will begin on the irrigation well repairs at Chawla Hall. As noted in the map below, the area in front of the building will be closed off during this time. Please use the West entrance into the building until work is finished. Work is expected to be completed by Friday, November 18, 2022.

Facilities Notice:  Colder Temperatures in F.W. Olin Engineering Due to Emergency Repair, 9/12/22

Due to an emergency repair, occupants in the F.W. Olin Engineering Building will notice colder interior temperatures, particularly in the morning. We are currently working to repair the problem, but at this time, we do not have a timeline for completion. We will advise when more information is available.

Facilities Notice:  Evans Hall Service Drive, Temporary Closure- 10/17/22

On Monday, October 17th, Facilities Operations will be installing a new a/c unit at Evans Hall. Between 9:00am – 12:00pm there will be a crane on site. During this time, Service Drive, noted below, will be blocked for all thru traffic. The road will reopen once the crane has left the site. The building will remain open during this time.

Pedestrians avoid this area or use caution while near area.

Facilities Notice:  Jerome P. Keuper Building  Closed (10/07/2022 thru 10/09/2022) 

Jerome P. Keuper Building (411KUP) will be closed on Friday, October 7, 2022 until Sunday, October 9, 2022  due to the fumigation of termites within the entire building. This process utilizes poisonous chemical gas that is highly toxic to humans and animals.

There will be NO ACCESS ALLOWED during this time.

Occupants be aware of the specific checklist items that MUST be followed. Click on the link below to access details....

We apologize for any inconvenience and will notify campus when the building is reopened.

Facilities Notice:  Power Outage at Panther Bay Location, 9/16/22 9:00am – 2:00pm

Due to an emergency repair of the FPL transformer, occupants at Panther Bay Buildings will experience a power outage on Friday, 9/16/22 from 9:00am – 2:00 pm. This will affect all buildings, noted below, including the elevators. Please use the stairs during this time for your safety.


Panther Bay- Building A

Panther Bay- Building B

Panther Bay- Building C

Panther Bay- Building D

Panther Bay- Building E

Panther Bay- Clubhouse

Facilities Notice:  Evans Hall Service Drive, Temporary Closure- 8/31/22

On Wednesday, August 31st, Facilities Operations will be installing a new a/c unit at Evans Hall. Between 8:00am – 12:00pm there will be a crane on site. During this time, Service Drive will be blocked for all thru traffic. The road will reopen once the crane has left the site. Work will continue through Thursday, September 1st.  Building will remain open during this time.

Facilities Notice Brownlie Pool Closed Until Further Notice

The Brownlie Pool incurred some damage that will cause a temporary closure. Until further notice the pool is closed for repairs. A follow up notice will be sent when it has been repaired.

Facilities Notice- North Chiller Plant- Emergency Repair- Beginning Saturday, August 27 through Monday, August 29th

Facilities Operations will be supervising emergency repairs of the Chilled Water system on campus beginning Saturday, August 27 thru Monday, August 29. Occupants in the list of buildings below may experience warmer than normal temperatures while we conduct the necessary repairs.


The following buildings are affected:

Jerome P. Keuper Building

Homer R. Denius Student Center

Evans Library

Ruth Center for E-Sports

Edwin A. Link Building

Gleason Performing Arts Center/WFIT

Frederick C. Crawford Building

George M. Skurla Hall

Charles and Ruth Clemente Center

Panther Aquatics Center

Panther Dining Hall

Facilities Notice- Planned Outage for campus- August 3

Florida Power & Light has scheduled testing of the switch for Wednesday, August 3, 2022. We expect the power will be disrupted for 1 hour from 5:00 AM until 6:00 AM.  Please take necessary precautions to protect your computers and sensitive data.

A list of all buildings impacted by this planned outage are as follows:

114SHA       Shaw Hall

115GRS       Grissom Hall

116CBL        Campbell Hall

117WOD     Wood Hall

118RBT        Roberts Hall

119EVH       Evans Hall

213BRN       Brownlie Hall

401QAD      John E. Miller Building

402QAD      Building 402

403QAD      Building 403

404QAD      Building 404

405QAD      Building 405

406QAD      Building 406

407QAD      Building 407

408WRK      R.A. Work Building

409TEL        Telecommunications

410GLE       Gleason Center for Performing Arts

411KUP       Keuper Administration

412DEN      Denius Student Union Building

420CRF       Crawford Building

424LNK       Link Building

427FRU       Frueauff Building

428EVL        Evans Library

439SHP       Shephard Building

460SKU       George M. Skurla Building

500OLS        F.W. Olin Life Sciences

501OEC       F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

502OPS       F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

510CLE        Clemente Sports & Recreation Center


Construction Notice:  Elevator Modernization - 7/27/22 - 8/21/22

Babcock Oaks - 07/27/22 – 08/21/22

On Wednesday, July 27th , Facilities Operations will have a contractor on site to begin the modernization of the elevator at Babcock Oaks. Work will continue through Sunday, August 21st. The elevators will be out of service during this time.


F.W. Olin Life Sciences work will continue through Wednesday, July 27th .


F.W. Olin Engineering Complex work has been completed. Elevator is operational.

Construction Notice: F.W. Oline Life Sciences & F.W. Olin Engineering Elevator Modernization - 6/27/22 - 7/18/22

On Monday, June 27th, Facilities Operations will have a contractor on site to begin work to modernization the elevators at the F.W. Olin Life Sciences and F.W. Olin Engineering. Work will continue through Monday, July 18th. The elevators will be out of service during this time.

Facilities Notice: North Chiller Plant - Emergency Repair - Today (6/24/22)

Facilities Operations is currently working on an emergency repair at the North Chiller Plant. While we are repairing the impacted equipment, occupants in the following buildings may notice warmer than usual temperatures.


The following buildings are affected:

Jerome P. Keuper Building

Homer R. Denius Student Center

Evans Library

Ruth Center for E-Sports

Edwin A. Link Building

Gleason Performing Arts Center/WFIT

Frederick C. Crawford Building

George M. Skurla Hall

Charles and Ruth Clemente Center

Panther Aquatics Center

Panther Dining Hall.

F.W. Olin Life Sciences

F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

L3 Harris Center for Sciences & Engineering.


We apologize for any inconvenience and will notify campus when full HVAC has been restored.

Construction Notice: Storefront Doors Replacement, Tuesday 5/17/22 Thru 5/26/22

Facilities Operations will begin replacement of the storefront doors for the following locations as noted below. Please excuse our dust as we enhance our campus. 

Tuesday, 5/17/22, Wood Hall- Front entrance doors

Thursday, 5/19/22, Campbell Hall- Front entrance doors

Tuesday, 5/24/22, Grissom Hall- Front entrance doors

Thursday, 5/26/22, Evans Hall- Front entrance doors

Construction Notice: F.W. Olin Life Sciences Rooftop Equipment Screen Wall Repair Beginning Monday, 4/25/22 Thru Wednesday, 5/25/22

Facilities Operations will begin Repair on the F.W. Olin Life Science Rooftop Equipment Screen wall. We will begin work on Monday, 4/25/22 and expect to be completed on Wednesday, 5/25/22.  The west and south side entrances will be closed for the duration of the project, weather permitting.

Construction Notice: Storefront Door Replacement To John E. Miller Building & Shaw Hall, 4/19/22-4/28/22

Facilities Operations will begin replacement of the storefront doors for the following locations as noted below. Please excuse our noise and dust as we enhance our campus.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

John E. Miller Office Bldg- West President’s entrance door


Thursday, April 21, 2022

John E. Miller Office Bldg- East President’s entrance door


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

John E. Miller Office Bldg- Northeast entrance door by conference room


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Shaw Hall- North entrance door


Thursday, April 28, 2022

John E. Miller Office Bldg- Southwest entrance door



Construction Notice: Southgate B & C Stair Upgrades, Beginning 3/21

Facilities Operations will begin stair upgrades for the following locations as noted below. Pedestrians use caution while near in the area.  Please excuse our noise and dust as we enhance our campus.

Monday, 03/21/2022 thru Wednesday, 03/30/2022

(Phase 1) Southgate C – Center Stairs – “A”


Wednesday, 03/23/2022 thru Friday, 04/01/2022

(Phase 2) Southgate B – Side Stairs – “B”

   Southgate C – Side Stairs – “C”


Monday, 04/11/2022 thru Friday, 04/15/2022

(Phase 3) Southgate C – Side Stairs – “D”


Construction Notice: Storefront Door Replacement To Brownlie Hall, 4/4/22-4/8/22


On Monday, April 4th , Facilities Operations will begin replacing the front entrance storefront doors for Brownlie Hall. We estimate the project will take a week to complete, finishing on Friday, 4/8/22. During this time please use the North and South side entrances to enter and exit the building. Please excuse our noise and dust as we enhance our campus.




Construction Notice: Parking Lot #19, Parking Spots Closure Behind Of Allen S. Hentry Building On 3/7/22


On Monday, March 7th , Facilities Operations will continue the roof work at Allen S. Henry. 8 parking spots in Parking Lot #19, as noted below, will be marked off as they will be used to hold construction materials. Traffic in this area will continue to move as normal and the building will remain open. The parking spots identified in the image below will remain closed off for 5 weeks.



Construction Notice:  Parking Lot #18, Psychology Place Temporary Closure in front of Allen S. Henry Building

On Thursday, February 24th , Facilities Operations will be installing a new a/c unit at Allen S. Henry. Between 7:00am – 8:00am, Parking Lot #18, Psychology Place will be blocked for all thru traffic while a crane is present for the installation. During this time, the building will be closed for safety reasons while the unit is being placed.



Construction Notice:  Florida Tech Drive Temporary Closure near Building 403 - Friday, 02/18/2022


On Friday, February 18th Facilities Operations will be pouring concrete for the new ADA ramp outside of room 116 at Building 403. Florida Tech Drive will be blocked for all thru traffic during active work. Please excuse our noise as we enhance our campus.

Firehouse Subs Construction

Summer, 2021

Beginning on Monday, May 3rd, Facilities Operations will begin work at the Denius Student Center. We will be working on the build out for Firehouse Subs on the first floor in the Panther Food Court. Time line will be approximately 8-10 weeks.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Jungle Road Bridge Replacement

 May 3-5, 2021

The existing sidewalk between the bridge leading from Parking Lot 16 to Jungle Road in the Botanical Garden is going to be removed and replaced beginning on Monday May 3rd including pouring new concrete. The bridge will be closed off to the public until Wednesday May 5th.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Frueauff Energy Research Renovation

 June, 2020 thru November, 2020

Frueauff Energy Research Building will be undergoing renovations to add 3000sf of new lab space, make interior modifications and improvements, infrastructure repairs, roof replacement, and site work to enhance the capabilities of the facility. During this time there may be brief power outages, air conditioning outages, and network disruptions as generated back-up power.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

F.W. Olin Life Sciences Cooling Tower Repair

February 9 thru 10, 2021

On Tuesday, February 9 through Wednesday, February 10 , the West side parking lot of F.W. Olin Life Sciences will be closed while a crane is onsite while making necessary repairs to the cooling tower.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

University Boulevard Crosswalk Improvement

 December, 2020

Beginning Monday, December 14 thru Thursday, December 31, Facilities Operations, in conjunction with our outside vendor, Don Luchetti Construction, will begin work on University Boulevard.  They will be installing speed humps and curbing at existing crosswalks from Gleason to Clemente. They will be diverting the traffic through the parking lots. Traffic flow will be disrupted one side at a time to minimize impact.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Academic Quad A/C Unit Replacement

 December, 2020

Beginning December 3rd, 2020 through December 6th, 2020, the rooftop air-conditioning units will be replaced on buildings 403 & 404. On Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 and Friday, December 4th, 2020, a large crane will be on the project site to remove the existing roof-top mechanical equipment to the ground and to place the new mechanical equipment up on the roofs of buildings 403 & 404. Please avoid travel around these building during the process of construction activity.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Crawford Building Antenna Replacement

 December, 2020

T-Mobile will replace nine (9) flat panel antennas on the roof of the Crawford building. Work will begin December 21 thru December 28. Crews will be on the roof of the Crawford Building from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM each workday. The crane is anticipated to arrive December 21 at 9 AM and will depart the same day at 5 PM.  

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Clemente Center & Skurla Hall Backflow Preventers Change

 December 15 , 2020

On Tuesday, December 15, Facilities Operations will be changing out the backflow preventors to the following locations:

              8:30am - Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

               1:00pm - George M. Skurla Hall

During this time, there will be no water available in the restrooms or water foundations.

The work to be perform will take approximately 4 hours for each location.

           UPDATE 12/15/20

 While performing the backflow preventor replacement at Skurla Hall, there was a city valve that failed. City of Melbourne is on site and actively working to make necessary repairs. Please use caution while accessing the South side of George M. Skurla Building.

There will be no water serving the following locations for up to 24 hours.

                  George M. Skurla Hall

                 Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

                 Crawford Building

Upon completion of repairs, there will be a boiled water notice in effect.

Clemente Center Roof Replacement

 October, 2020 thru November, 2020

Facilities Operations will be replacing the roof on the Charles & Ruth Clemente Center starting on Saturday, October 24 and anticipate completion by November 24 , weather permitting. We will need to close off 9 parking spots on the south east side of building during the duration of this project. This will be our staging area for the dumpster and crane needed for this project. For safety purpose, there may be temporary closures of the roadway while the crane is in operation.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 


Roberts Hall Renovation Project

 August, 2019 thru Summer 2020

Roberts Hall is undergoing major renovations to the mechanical, electrical, telecomm, plumbing, and internal features to greatly enhance the structure and its effect on quality of life. Students should expect to return to a completely renovated building with new features, enhanced infrastructure, and improved building performance.

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 


NEW Alumni Center Construction Project

 July, 2019 thru Spring, 2020

The all new Alumni Center will be constructed utilizing the site and existing building footprint of the old Alumni House. The project will be providing more square footage and capability to the Office of Alumni Affairs and serves as a research project for renewable energy and net-zero energy design!

For your safety: Please do not enter an active construction site and be cautious. 

Clemente Center Service Road  October, 2020  Beginning Thursday, October 22, For A Period Of Two Days, Facilities Operations Will Need To Close The Access Road Behind The Clemente Center

**Facilities Online Service Request Systems is Back online*** Should you experience any issues, please contact Facilities

Facilities Online Service Request System will be down for maintenance, Wednesday, August 14, beginning at 5:00pm. We anticipate the system to be fully operational by 8am, Thursday, August 15.

Should you experience any issues, please email

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


**update on Chiller Repair -  Back online- 08/13/2019

Repair part should arrive by 10am today, 08/12, expect to have unit operational by this afternoon. 

South Chiller Plant - EMERGENCY REPAIR ALERT- 08/08/2019

An emergency repair to the south chiller plant is underway and will be operating at a reduced capacity. 

There will be higher temperatures in the buildings served by the plant. 

 The buildings served by the south chiller plant include:

 500OLS                F.W. Olin Life Sciences

501OEC                F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

502OPS                F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Building

504LSA                 Harris Center for Science & Engineering

 Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.



North Chilled Water Plant – Saturday, August 3 thru Sunday, August 4 

Maintenance on the North Chilled Water Plant will begin at 9am on Saturday, August 3 and is expected to be completed on Sunday, August 4.  As the plant will be operating at reduced capacity, there may be a noticeable increase in temperature in the facilities served by this plant.

The facilities served by this plant include:

411KUP       Keuper Administration

412DEN       Student Union Building

429FNK       Ruth Funk Textile & Arts

424LNK       Link Building

410GLE       Gleason Center for Performing Arts/WFIT

420CRF       Crawford Building

460SKU       Aeronautics

510CLE        Clemente Sports & Recreation Center

511POL       Aquatic Center

520CAF       Panther Dining Hall

428EVL        Evans Library


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Facilities Operations

North Chilled Water Plant – Saturday, August 3 thru Sunday, August 4

Facilities Notice: Planned FPL Annual Load Test - Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Florida Power & Light has scheduled testing of the "main loop" switch for Wednesday, August 7, 2019.

We expect the power will be disrupted for 1 hour from 5:00 AM until 6:00 AM.

Please take necessary precautions.


All facilities on the main loop distribution system will be affected by this outage.

Facilities included on the main loop distribution system are as follows:


114SHA       Shaw Hall

410GLE       Gleason Center for Performing Arts

115GRS       Grissom Hall

411KUP       Keuper Administration

116CBL       Campbell Hall

412DEN       Student Union Building

117WOD     Wood Hall

420CRF       Crawford Building

118RBT       Roberts Hall

424LNK       Link Building

119EVH       Evans Hall

426BOT       Botanical Garden Storage

213BRN       Brownlie Hall

430CPN       Chiller Plant North

245POL       Brownlie Hall Pool Building

427FRU       Frueauff Building

401QAD      Quad

428EVL        Evans Library

402QAD      Quad

439SHP        Shephard Building

403QAD      Quad

460SKU       George M. Skurla Building

404QAD      Quad

500OLS        F.W. Olin Life Sciences

405QAD      Quad

501OEC       F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

406QAD      Quad

502OPS       F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

407QAD      Quad

503OCB      Olin Chiller Building

408WRK      R.A. Work Building

510CLE       Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

409TEL        Telecommunications


12/21/2018 - ARL Building ReOpen

This Notice is to advise the campus community that the ARL Building is now open and safe for occupancy.  All air samples have been completed and the ARL Building has been certified safe for re-occupancy. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.

Annual Maintenance for Parking Lots over the Winter Break

December 17, 2018 – January 2, 2019.

Facilities and an outside contractor will be performing annual maintenance on several university parking lots over the Winter Break, December 17, 2018 – January 2, 2019.

Cleaning solutions, blowers, asphalt, asphalt sealant and restriping paint will be used as needed in each location. Some patching/repairs will be completed throughout the week of December 10th, without inconvenience to campus traffic flow. 

ALL vehicles MUST be removed from parking lots and garages, according to the schedule below.

Lot #24 - Panther Dining Parking Garage (cleaning/restriping):  Please remove all vehicles from all floors of the parking structure beginning December 16th, 12:00am.The parking garage will reopen 8am December 26th, 2018.

Lot #6 - Columbia Village Garage (upper/lower garage only, cleaning/restriping):  Please remove all vehicles from all floors of the parking structure beginning December 16th, 12:00am. The parking garage will reopen 8am December 26th, 2018.

 Lot #9 - Brownlie Hall, Lot #9:  Please remove all vehicles from the rear parking lot beginning December 18th,  12:00am.  The parking lot will reopen 8am December 20th, 2018. 

Lot #4 - Shaw Hall: Please remove all personal and service/Security vehicles from the  parking area along the South side of the building foundation beginning December 17th, 12:00am. Vehicles may park in the south spaces along the grass/curb only. The entire parking lot will be closed beginning December 18th at 6am and will reopen 8am, December 20th, 2018.

Lot #1 & service roads, Miller Building (north and south of building, loop from behind SUB to south covered bridge):  Small sections of repair will be done December 17th/18th – they may be able to work around vehicles and will contact registered owners otherwise. Please remove all personal and service vehicles from the parking lot beginning December 21st, 12:00am. The parking lot and service roads will reopen 8am December 24th, 2018.

Nathan Bisk College of Business: Please remove all vehicles from the parking lot beginning Friday, December 21st  through Friday, December 28th. The lot will reopen Saturday, December 29th at 7am.

All vehicles will need to be removed from noted parking lots. Pedestrians - Please avoid walking through the area as well.  



Central Energy Plant power outage on Sunday, September 16

On Sunday, September 16, Florida Power & Light, in conjunction with Facilities Operations will be disconnecting power to make electrical repairs at the Central Energy Plant. The electrical contractor anticipates the repair to take place from 7:00 AM until 12:00 PM.  The Link Building and Shephard Building will be without power during the outage.  Please take necessary precautions during the outage.

Be advised that while the Central Energy Plant is without power warmer interior building temperatures will be experienced at the following locations:


Keuper Administration

Student Union Building

Ruth Funk Museum

Evans Library

Gleason Center for Performing Arts & WFIT

Crawford Building

George M. Skurla  Building

Clemente Center

Panther Aquatic Center

Panther Dining Hall

Link Building

Shephard Building

 The service drive behind Gleason Auditorium and Link Building has been closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.  PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ENTERING THE WORK ZONE FOR YOUR SAFETY AND AS TO NOT SLOW THE CONTRACTOR DOWN FROM MAKING THE REPAIR.


Evans Library – Roof Replacement - Monday, September 17

Facilities Operations has coordinated and scheduled the roof replacement of Evans Library. The contractor will begin work on Monday, September 17, and anticipates completion by Friday, October 19, 2018.  The service road behind Link Building, Science Circle, will be closed to thru traffic during this time and only opened for deliveries and Waste Management to service for trash and recycling.

 Please take note of the sketch below for pedestrian traffic.  Please be aware of all barriers and barricades and we ask that you use caution while near the construction area.



Partial Road Closure- Parking Lot 17 – Tomorrow, March 9

Due to the windy conditions, we were not able to lift the new lightning camera access stairway on top of F.W. Olin Physical Sciences today as we expected. We will be attempting again at 6:00 am tomorrow (Friday, March 9th).  In the meantime and in an effort, to expedite tomorrow’s lift, we will be leaving the crane in place and the west lane of Parking Lot 17 closed until completion. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

F.W. Olin Life Sciences – 2nd Floor Only – Wednesday, March 7

On Wednesday, March 7, Facilities Operations will be performing minor repairs to the mechanical system servicing the 2nd floor of the F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building. Work will begin at 8:00am and end approximately 4:30pm. Occupants on the 2nd floor may notice cooler temperatures while the repair is being completed.

Our apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.


Road Partial Lane Closure – Parking Lot17,  Crane Location  - March 8

Facilities Operations will be performing work at the F.W. Olin Physical Sciences building on Thursday, March 8 that will require the west lane of Parking Lot #17 to be closed from 8:00am to 4:00pm.

Please make provisions to avoid this area.



Construction Alert – Crawford Drainage Project – March 5 thru March 9

Facilities Operations will begin work on the Crawford Green drainage project on Monday, March 5th. In the area location outlined in (YELLOW). There will be a portion of the service road blocked off for PEDESTRAIN TRAFFIC ONLY (PINK) for the entire week.

Please use caution while near this construction area.


F.W. Olin Engineering Building – Today, March 19

Today, March 19, Facilities Operations will be performing emergency repairs to the mechanical systems serving the F.W. Olin Engineering Building. Work will begin at immediately and may take up to 48 hours to complete. Occupants may notice cooler temperatures while the repair is being completed.

Our apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.

Facilities Operations

April 22, FW Olin Engineering Complex & April 23 Olin Life Sciences - AHU

Friday, March 10 - Campbell Hall & Grissom Hall

Florida Power & Light will be replacing the transformer at Grissom Hall on Friday, March 10, beginning at 12:30 PM. It will take approximately 3 hours. Campbell Hall (116CBL) and Grissom Hall (115GRS) will be affected during this outage.

Please take necessary precautions during this time.

Thank you,

Facilities Operations


On the evening of Wednesday, March 8th, Facilities Operations will be shutting down the F.W. Olin Life Sciences Chilled Water Plant for a period of time starting at 4:30 pm and lasting until approximately 7:00 am. This work is to continue to repair a leak in the supply water between the cooling towers and the chillers located in the F.W. Olin Life Sciences building. Based on the current weather forecast, it is anticipated that little, if any, impact will be noticed by users of these facilities at that time.

The shut-down will affect the following facilities:

  F.W. Olin Life Sciences (500OLS)

  F.W. Olin Engineering Complex (501OEC)

  F.W. Olin Physical Sciences (502OPS)

  Harris Center for Science and Engineering (504LSA)

 Thank you,

 Facilities Operations


Facilities Operations will be working with an outside vendor to take measurements for replacement of gas line feeding F.W. Olin Life Sciences and F.W. Olin Engineering Complex. Construction activity will be in area noted below…

On Saturday, August 27, they will return to install new piping. Use caution in this area. Please avoid this area, if possible.

Olin Gas Line Replacement - August 27

Facilities is pleased to announce that work will commence this week on the expansion and improvements to the Panthereum. This work will impact the area between the Keuper Building and the creek, and from Country Club Road to the wooden bridge between the Student Union and the Dorm Quad. Efforts will be made to minimize the impact to this area, and we request that non-construction personnel avoid this area.

The work is anticipated to take approximately 6 weeks with a targeted completion date of February 20, 2014.

FPL Planned power outage - November 11, 2013

Florida Tech participates in a program offered by Florida Power and Light that provides electrical utility cost savings for us in excess of $200,000 per year. In exchange, Florida Tech agrees to allow FPL to disrupt electrical service on our main distribution loop during emergency periods where sufficient power cannot be generated to fulfill the demand in our area. If no "load-control" event occurs during the calendar year, the agreement filed with the Public Utilities Commission requires a test outage of one-hour duration be performed in November of that particular year.

We have been fortunate this year in not having been faced with an emergency load-control event, thus, we are required to allow a one-hour test outage. This outage is scheduled to occur Monday, November 11, 2013, beginning at 7:00 AM and ending at 8:00 AM. Only those buildings on the main electrical distribution loop will be affected. Facilities included on the main loop distribution system are as follows:

 114SHA Shaw Hall

 115GRS Grissom Hall

 116CBL Campbell Hall

 117WOD Wood Hall

 118RBT Roberts Hall

 119EVH Evans Hall

 213BRN Brownlie Hall

 245POL Brownlie Hall Pool Building

 401QAD President’s Complex

 402QAD Quad

 403QAD Quad

 404QAD Quad

 405QAD Quad

 406QAD Quad

 407QAD Quad

 408WRK R.A. Work Building

 409TEL Telecommunications

 410GLE Gleason Center for Performing Arts

 411KUP Keuper Administration

 412DEN Student Union Building

 420CRF Crawford Building

 424LNK Link Building

 427FRU Frueauff Building

 428EVL Evans Library

 439SHP Shephard Building

 460SKU Aeronautics

 500OLS F.W. Olin Life Sciences

501OEC F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

502OPS F.W. Olin Physical Sciences

503OCB Olin Chiller Building

510CLE Clemente Sports & Recreation Center

511POL Panther Aquatic Center

529FNK Ruth Funk for Textile Arts

Please take necessary precaution to secure equipment, data, etc. during this outage.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

As part of the on-going Siemens Industries, Inc., Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services

Beginning on August 28th and continuing over the next several weeks, representatives of Siemens Industries will be installing Occupancy Sensors for lighting control in areas of the following buildings:

Frueauff Building

All Faiths Center

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business

Shepard Building

Keuper Administration Building

F.W. Olin Engineering Complex

Charles and Ruth Clemente Center

F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building

Gleason Performing Arts Center

Military Sciences/Shipping & Receiving Building

Alan S. Henry Building

Columbia Village – Common areas

Roberts Hall – Common areas

Evans Hall – Common areas

Academic Quad Building 402

Academic Quad Building 406

Academic Quad Building 405

Academic Quad Building 407

Academic Quad Building 404

The majority of the installation will be done after hours and on weekends to avoid any disruptions during normal business hours. 

On Tuesday, December 18, 2012, the Facilities Operations Department and it’s Contractor, Bel-Mac Roofing, will begin the Roof Replacement Project for the Gleason Performing Arts Center. This project is scheduled to take several weeks with a target completion date of January 11, 2013. Please be aware of the staging areas that will be set aside for Contractor/Construction staging requirements during construction (see below and attached). In addition, during this project it may be necessary to rope-off areas on a temporary basis. Please observe areas that will be taped-off with Caution Tape and as always – Be Safe!

On Friday, September 21, 2012, Florida Power & Light has scheduled the connection of the Varsity Training Center to the transformer that feeds Harris Center for Science and Engineering. Power will be interrupted to this facility beginning at 5:30PM and ending at 9:30PM.

 Please take necessary precautions to prepare for this outage.

 Please contact the Facilities Operations office at ext 8038 if you have questions or concerns.

 We apologize for the inconvenience.

Parking lot #13 and #14 will be closed Thursday, March 7, 2013 and Friday, March 8, 2013.

Contractors will continue working on drainage improvements in the Gleason and Crawford Parking Lots (13 and 14), and the approach to the West entrance to Gleason Thursday and Friday this week. These lots will be closed until 5:00 PM Friday.

Please use caution in these areas.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Facilities Operations will begin paving, sealing and restriping the followings lots as noted below…. Please reference map


Lot# 17, West and Middle sections of the parking lot between the F.W. Olin Engineering and Charles & Ruth Clemente Center

 West section (closest to the F.W. Olin Engineering Building) and middle section of parking lot #17 will be closed on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 10PM.

 Prep work will begin on Tuesday, December 18, 2012. Paving and striping, Wednesday, December 19 thru Saturday, December 22 , 2012.

 West and middle section of the Parking Lot will reopen on Sunday, December 23, 2012.


Lot# 17, East section of the parking lot in front of the Charles & Ruth Clemente Center/Panther Aquatic Center

 Entire east section (two-way traffic) will be closed on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at 10PM.

 Prep work will begin on Wednesday, December 26, 2012. Paving and striping, Friday, December 27 thru Sunday, December 30 , 2012.

 Parking Lot will reopen at 6 a.m. on Monday, December 31, 2012.


Lot# 20, South of Building 504 – Harris Center for Science & Engineering

 South parking lot will be closed on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at 10 pm.

 Paving and striping on Friday, December 28 thru Sunday, December 30, 2012

 Parking Lot will reopen at 6 a.m. on Monday, December 31, 2012


All vehicles MUST be removed from the parking lots. Pedestrians - Please avoid walking through these lots as well.

Refer to website for any changes to the trolley route

Crawford Building Occupants  - Tomorrow, water outage

On Friday, May 18, 2012, Facilities Operations will be required to turn off the water to the Crawford Building to make necessary repairs. The outage will begin at 7:30AM and end approximately 9:30AM.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your patience.

Water Outage (Gleason & Building 407) May 18, 2012

Due to construction activity, Facilities Operations will be required to turn off the water to the following buildings on Friday, May 18, 2012 commencing at  8:00AM and ending at 4:00PM.
Gleason Auditorium
Quad Building 407
Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.

Grissom Hall - Monday, Wednesday, Aprill 11th - May 15th 2012

Facilities Operations will be constructing ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrades to the first
floor of Grissom Hall. The scope of work includes installing an approach ramp at the main entrance
and the remodeling of the men’s and women’s restrooms (rooms 131 and 132) in the east wing.
This work has a mandatory deadline of May 15th, 2012 which will result in construction activities
while classes are in session in the adjacent rooms and residences are occupied above. Working
hours will be limited to between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, and may include weekend work as well.
Construction will begin on Wednesday, April 11th.
We will make every effort to minimize noise, dust, limited access in adjoining hallways, and utility
interruptions during the renovations.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our facilities for all.

Facilities Operations will be constructing ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrades to the first floor of Grissom Hall. The scope of work includes installing an approach ramp at the main entrance and the remodeling of the men’s and women’s rest rooms (rooms 131 and 132) in the east wing.This work has a mandatory deadline of May 15th, 2012 which will result in construction activities while classes are in session in the adjacent rooms and residences are occupied above. Working hours will be limited to between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, and may include weekend work as well.

Construction will begin on Wednesday, April 11th.

We will make every effort to minimize noise, dust, limited access in adjoining hallways, and utility interruptions during the renovations.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our facilities for all.

Parking Lots 13 and 14 (Crawford and Gleason) 

Construction of WFIT Studios requires relocation of a portion of our electrical distribution loop.  FPL will be on site this weekend Saturday April 28, 2012 and Sunday April 29, 2012 installing conduit in the area of Parking Lots 13 and 14 (Crawford and Gleason) see map below. Both of these lots will be closed both days. We apologize for the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your patience during this activity.

Grissom Hall - Monday, Wednesday, Aprill 11th - May 15th 2012

Facilities Operations will be constructing ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrades to the first
floor of Grissom Hall. The scope of work includes installing an approach ramp at the main entrance
and the remodeling of the men’s and women’s restrooms (rooms 131 and 132) in the east wing.
This work has a mandatory deadline of May 15th, 2012 which will result in construction activities
while classes are in session in the adjacent rooms and residences are occupied above. Working
hours will be limited to between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, and may include weekend work as well.
Construction will begin on Wednesday, April 11th.
We will make every effort to minimize noise, dust, limited access in adjoining hallways, and utility
interruptions during the renovations.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our facilities for all.

Facilities Operations will be constructing ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) upgrades to the first floor of Grissom Hall. The scope of work includes installing an approach ramp at the main entrance and the remodeling of the men’s and women’s rest rooms (rooms 131 and 132) in the east wing.This work has a mandatory deadline of May 15th, 2012 which will result in construction activities while classes are in session in the adjacent rooms and residences are occupied above. Working hours will be limited to between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, and may include weekend work as well.

Construction will begin on Wednesday, April 11th.

We will make every effort to minimize noise, dust, limited access in adjoining hallways, and utility interruptions during the renovations.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our facilities for all.

Pedestrian Connector - Monday, December 19, 2011

The Facilities Operations Department is pleased to announce the beginning of another phase of improvement for the South Campus - the parking lot between the new Aquatic Center and the Olin Quad.  This improvement includes the construction of a pedestrian connector across the parking lot, as well as traffic calming and landscape enhancements.  During construction, it will be necessary to close certain zones within the parking lot to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.  This will be done in phases in an effort to minimize inconvenience to the campus community. 

  • Phase-1:  The center north-bound lane will be closed until work in the two red clouded areas is complete.
  • Phase-2:  The center north-bound lane will be re-opened and the western south-bound lane will be closed until work in the blue rectangular area is complete. 

Further up-dates and actual parking lot closing dates will be forthcoming as the final planning and permitting are completed.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we ask for your help in keeping the areas safe for both the campus community and the construction force that is working to improve our university.

Evans Hall 2nd Floor Renovation

The Facilities Operations Department has begun the First Phase of the Evans Hall Second Floor Renovation.  This Phase of work will consist of the demolition of the interior of the 2nd Floor and the removal and replacement of the existing west stairway entrance. During this demolition we will make every effort to minimize noise, dust and any inconvenience to students, faculty and staff.  Please see the drawing below and take note of the alternate temporary paths of egress.  We are requesting that everyone avoid this area when possible and while we know that is not always feasible, please help us to help keep you safe by paying extra attention to your surroundings!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, Facilities Operations, in conjunction with Security, will be closing the parking lot #13, south of the Crawford Building, for necessary repairs to be performed on the Crawford Building.    

The parking lot will be closed beginning Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in preparation of the delivery of the lift. The parking lot will be closed through November 18, 2011.

Pedestrians - Please avoid walking through the parking lot. All vehicles will need to be out of the parking lot.

Monday, October 10, 2011

On Monday, October 10, 2011, Facilities Operations will be making necessary repairs to the drainage infrastructure located in the Crawford Green and in front of (George M. Skurla) College of Aeronautics building. (See map below for details.)  Construction vehicles will be utilizing the roadway between the Crawford Building and College of Aeronautics (George M. Skurla).

Upcoming Pedestrian Walkway

The Facilities Operations Department is pleased to announce the beginning of another phase of improvement for the South Campus - the parking lot between the new Aquatic Center and the Olin Quad.  This improvement includes the construction of a pedestrian connector across the parking lot, as well as traffic calming and landscape enhancements.  During construction, it will be necessary to close certain zones within the parking lot to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Beginning Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Charles And Ruth Clemente Center For Sports And Recreation Area Traffic Pattern

Beginning March 23, 2010

Campus-Wide Relamp Project

Beginning February 22, 2010

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